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Club Meetings

The club meets on the first Tuesday of the month (except January) at 7.00pm at the Uniting Church Parish Centre in Carrier Street, Benalla. The format is a short business session, walk and other activity reports, a guest speaker, followed by light refreshments and finishing by 10.00pm. Non-members are most welcome at club meetings.


Visitors are always welcome to participate in club activities. They should contact the advertised leader to check on details and obtain advice on the leaders intentions. New members are always welcome.


There is no qualifying period or requirements to join the club, just a willingness and enthusiasm to join in and enjoy outdoor pursuits. A fee is charged for membership, currently $45.00 per annum. Visitors undertaking club walks are charged $5.00 per walk. Most of the walk leaders have completed navigation training and Senior First Aid.

There are two ways for intending members to apply for membership:

  1. Download a printable application form using the link below. The completed form along with payment cheque should be forwarded to the Treasurer at PO Box 210 Benalla 3672, or payment can be made separately by direct deposit using the bank details shown on the form.


2. Using the Online Submission form link to submit details. As the club cannot, at this time, process payments by credit card, subscription amounts need to be paid to the Treasurer by cheque or by direct deposit.